Friday, July 16, 2010

“After the End” - Barry Lane, Chapters 6-7

Chapter 6 of After The End describes how to use visual tools to help writers get their thoughts down on paper. Some of the diagrams, webs, maps, and graphs assist writers in thinking about their content in a different way and organizing their thoughts.
Chapter 7 focused on conferencing with students. A few quotes that I enjoyed from this chapter include:
• “Peer conferencing is a central element of a student-centered classroom. The more you empower your students, the less they will have to line up at your desk for a conference.” (pg. 108)
• “Students walking away from a conference are often overwhelmed with information. It’s important to teach them to learn how to listen to their own internal critics, which can sift through the comments and questions of their peers or teacher and find what’s important for revision.” (pg. 109)

Conferencing is important to do with our students for many reasons. A few key points I have made on conferencing are:
• Conferencing can help the student to be their own editor.
• Peer conferencing can also give students power because they do not always have to rely on the teacher for help.
• In a conference, it is important that the student speaks first. This can determine the flow and direction the conference needs to take.
• Conferencing helps writers make choices and define directions
• Take notes when the student talks. Help them to know you are really listening to what they have to say.
• Vary conference styles – change it up!

1 comment:

  1. Good idea about changing it up... there are so many conference styles.
